Jerde Partnership finds a new home in DTLA

Jerde Partnership’s new global Headquarters are now located in CalEdison Building in Downtown Los Angeles — formerly known as “One Bunker Hill”.
As Los Angeles Times reported, after spending almost 3 decades on the sandy Venice beaches at 913 Ocean Front Walk, the architecture firm Jerde Partnership will start moving this February. Approximately 70 employees will move to its new headquarters located at 601 W. Fifth Street at the corner of Grand Avenue. A 20,000-square-foot floor of the former headquarters of Southern California Edison Co., owned by Nelson and Chris Rising’s Rising Realty Partners and Lionstone Investments. Other tenants at the property include Akerman LLP, General Growth Properties, Narrative Capital and Practice Aligned Resources. There is a new Sweetgreen at street level.
As Venice is becoming more and more congested with Silicon Beach companies, the rents are skyrocketing and traffic is getting heavier. Jerde is stating the move is a huge advantage for majority of its employees as it will ease their everyday commute. Additionally, a new location will attract a lot of new potential employees since there is no more fear left about high Venice housing costs. Paul Martinkovic, an executive of Jerde says: “Moving to Downtown Los Angeles from Venice Beach reestablishes our company as a Los Angeles architectural firm. In Downtown, we have 360 degrees of quality of life, better commutes and accessibility to more affordable housing for our existing employees.”
As a reminder, Jerde designed the Bellagio Las Vegas resort, Universal CityWalk and Santa Monica Place, among others.