Happy Presidents Day or Not My Presidents Day?

In precedent times, Presidents day had been recognized as the day that we would celebrate the great leaders of our country. From the admirable George Washington to the revolutionary Barack Hussein Obama II, millions of proud Americans celebrated the national Holiday in peace and prosperity. However, this year there seems to be a different kind of energy surrounding the essence of Presidents Day.
Today on Monday February 20th 2017, thousands of Anti-Trump activists rallied up this federal holiday to organize “Not My Presidents Day” in cities around the country. “While we acknowledge that Donald Trump holds the current title, the policies he’s trying to put in place are not the beliefs shared by the majority of the people,” said Nova Calise, a television production manager and one of main organizers of the New York event. According to U.S.A. today, Calise said that the protesters were inspired by the activism of Facebook users. There was a plan for a collaboration of protesters to rally up on President’s day for about three weeks.
In addition to the Nova Calise, one of the Chicago organizers, business professor Laura Hartman, said the event has an overall theme of “Unity.” Could this Presidents Day be the first year that brings “Unity” in Americans or does it seem as if it is pushing Americans apart? Whatever the issue is, the essence of this years presidents day could be a representation of what direction our founding fathers wanted this nation to move towards. The United States of America is not a nation where everyone is supposed to agree with every policy, statement or law. This country is never going to be a place where opposition does not exist but it is a place where together, we can change the direction in which our beloved Nation is moving towards.
“There is nothing wrong with America that the faith, love of freedom, intelligence and energy of her citizens cannot cure.”
– Dwight Eisenhower, 1953-1961